Registered user since Thu 7 Jul 2022
I am a Lecturer in Computer Science at Aston University (Birmingham, UK). I am a member of the SEA (Software Engineering at Aston) research group, where we investigate methods to create better software in a more cost-effective manner. My main focus is on automating software analysis, design, development and testing tasks by using model-driven engineering and search-based methods.
Within the area of model-driven engineering, I am one of the developers of Eclipse Epsilon, an open-source family of task-specific languages for model management (e.g. validation, code generation, or model transformation). I am also the lead developer of Eclipse Hawk, an open-source model indexing tool which mirrors models into non-relational databases (e.g. graph databases) for fast querying. I am interested in the possibilities that non-relational databases can bring into MDE, and I am specifically looking into how to make self-adaptive systems history-aware by integrating temporal graphs in non-intrusive ways (e.g. via model indexing). I am also a member of the EPSRC MDE Net expert network on model-driven engineering.
In the area of search-based software engineering, I am one of the core developers of GAmera, an open-source system which uses evolutionary algorithms to efficiently find variations of an original program (mutations) that can guide the design of new test cases. GAmera has been applied successfully to the WS-BPEL Web Service composition language, C++, and the Esper Event Processing Language.
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