Welcome to SPLASH 2021, the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity. SPLASH embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery, to make it the premier conference on the applications of programming languages—at the intersection of programming languages and software engineering. SPLASH took place Sunday October 17th to Friday 22th in Chicago as well as virtually. Thank you speakers, student volunteers, and attendees for making SPLASH a great conference.
SPLASH 2021 required in-person attendees to be fully vaccinated, as defined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). According to the CDC, attendees “are considered fully vaccinated (a) 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or (b) 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine. If you don’t meet these requirements, regardless of your age, you are NOT fully vaccinated.” SPLASH 2021 offered virtual attendance options for those individuals who are not fully vaccinated. Vaccination validation was conducted by a vendor contracted by the ACM to perform this validation for the SPLASH 2021 conference. Masks were required at SPLASH 2021.
The virtual attendance option was available to unvaccinated attendees.
SPLASH Schedule
Room | Sun, Oct 17 | Mon, Oct 18 | Tue, Oct 19 | Wed, Oct 20 | Thur, Oct 21 | Fri, Oct 22 |
Zurich D | APLAS | APLAS | SAS | |||
Zurich C | ||||||
Zurich E | Scala | CONFLANG | HATRA | SPLASH-E |
Previous Year's Papers |
Previous Year's Papers |
Zurich F | AGERE | DSM | LIVE | Previous Year's Papers |
Previous Year's Papers |
Zurich G | BCNC | REBLS | VMIL | Previous Year's Papers |
Previous Year's Papers |
Previous Year's Papers |
Zurich A |
Invited Speakers @ Workshops & Co-located Conferences

GPCE Keynote - Live Programming and Programming by Example: Better Together
Sorin Lerner

Specification and End-to-End Proof of a Reactive Language and Its Compiler (Invited Talk)
Timothy Bourke

Reflections on a decade of MoarVM, a runtime for the Raku programming language
Jonathan Worthington

Pointer Analysis of Bytecode Programs for Effective Formal Verification of Smart Contracts
Mooly Sagiv

Interactive Code Analysis
Gerard Holzmann

SLE Keynote - Integrating Usability into Programming Language Design
Jonathan Aldrich

Cross-Domain Compilation: Exploiting Synergies Across the CS Community
Tobias Grosser

GraalVM Native Image: Large-scale static analysis for Java
Christian Wimmer

Oracle Parfait: The Flavour of Real-World Vulnerability Detection and Intelligent Configuration
Cristina Cifuentes

Software as Computational Media
Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose
Latest News
- Wed 8 Sep 2021 by Hridesh Rajan
Early Registration Open for SPLASH 2021 (August 24, 2021)
SPLASH 2021 registration is now open. Please register using this online registration form. Early registration closes on September 18, 2021.
- Wed 8 Sep 2021 by Hridesh Rajan
State of SPLASH 2021 (August 20, 2021)
SPLASH 2021 will require in-person attendees to be fully vaccinated, as defined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). According to the CDC, attendees _"are considered fully vaccinated (a) 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or (b) 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine. If you don’t meet these requirements, regardless …
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