SPLASH 2021 (series) / Lidia Fuentes

Registered user since Mon 22 Jun 2015
Name:Lidia Fuentes
Prof. Lidia Fuentes received her MsC degree and a PhD in Computer Science, from the Universidad de Málaga. She has done all her teaching work at the Department Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación since 1993, being the first female Full Professor of this department. She is the head of the CAOSD research group (http://caosd.lcc.uma.es), and co-authored more than two hundred publications in software engineering techniques (SPL, DSPL, Green SE, Software Architecture, DSLs, MDE, etc.) applied to IoT and cyber-physical systems.
Affiliation:Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Personal website: http://www.lcc.uma.es/~lff/
Research interests:Dynamic Reconfiguration, Green Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Quality Attributes, Software Product Line Engineering
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