SPLASH 2021 (series) / Natalia Chechina

Registered user since Mon 15 Feb 2016
Name:Natalia Chechina
Natalia Chechina is a Lecturer in Computing in the Department of Computing & Informatics at Bournemouth University. Her research investigates approaches and techniques to enable scaling and efficient performance on commodity hardware where components are loosely coupled, communication is significant, and any of the components may fail or disconnect at any time. Natalia’s research interests include scaling distributed computation, cooperative robotics, parallel programming, Erlang, stochastic modelling, autonomous systems, and overlay networks.
Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:Bournemouth University
Personal website: https://staffprofiles.bournemouth.ac.uk/display/nchechina
Research interests:Distributed and Concurent Computing, Erlang, Collaborative Robotics, Mathematical and Theoretical Analysis, Stochastic Modelling, and Overlay Networks
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